When developing frontend, you've probably encountered the need to fill the page with some content to verify the final look of the website. Typing random characters on the keyboard doesn't look good and doesn't accurately represent how our frontend looks. Adding random images from the disk, especially with changing their resolution, can also be quite cumbersome. While creating this blog, I wanted to eliminate this problem, and thus the bundle for the Symfony framework was created, which facilitates frontend development.
About DummyContent
The bundle in question is DummyContent. It's a simple generator of test content with ready integration with Twig and the LaserTag package. To install the package, simply execute the command:
composer require starxen/dummycontent
Flex should automatically configure the bundle to work. However, if it doesn't, you need to add DummyContent to the list of packages in your project.
return [
StarXen\DummyContent\DummyContentBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Generating Text
When it comes to generating text, DummyContent comes with a built-in Lorem Ipsum generator. It's a popular "text" used to fill pages with sample data. In this case, there's no need to generate Lorem Ipsum with an external tool and copy it into the project; just use the provided function in Twig, specifying the number of words to generate as an argument.
{{ lorem_ipsum(10) }}
As a result, you'll get generated text of the specified length.
Generating Images
Similar to generating text, the functionality of generating images is also implemented. To insert an image with a specified width and height in the template, simply use the following function:
{{ dummy_image(200, 100 }}
This will result in the following image:
The image data is embedded directly into the HTML code.
<img src="data:image/png;base64, *img_data*" alt="100px x 200px" class="">
If necessary, you can also specify a CSS class to be included in the resulting code, as well as set the background and font colors.
{{ dummy_image(200, 100, 'css_class', '#000000', '#FFFFFF')}}
<img src="data:image/png;base64, *img_data*" alt="100px x 200px" class="css_class">
The DummyContent library is still being developed. All its functionalities, along with usage examples in both PHP and Twig, as well as LaserTag, are available in the documentation. If you're interested in PHP programming and more, I encourage you to check out other posts on the blog and follow it regularly!